The Friedel Chronicles
Writing a biographical and general interest book on
- A full index of all my Chronicle stories is further below.
In May 2016 I had a bicycle accident. I was hit by a car, on a pedestrian crossing, and was incapacitated for a few days. My son Tommy visited me and decided that this was the ideal time for me to start writing my autobiography — something I had been talking about for some time.
For twenty years I edited a bi-monthly magazine (in German), then for seventeen years the news page of my software company, ChessBase. The latter involved writing on average three articles a day, with no breaks — not for birthdays, Christmas or holidays. The news page flourished: we sometimes had over 100,000 visitors per day.
But now I had reached seventy and was seeking to go into retirement. I had a few residual projects to manage, and two wonderful grandsons to look after. I have a fairly interesting life behind me, and so an autobiography would be appropriate. But, said Tommy, not flat-out write the book, but do it bit by bit. I should write about different things whenever they occur to me. On any of a variety of subjects. Afterwards we can use the text to make a book (or books). He set me up in — the process took under one minute. Now I had my biographical and general interest blog: The Friedel Chronicles.
Then I started. The very first article was entitled “Vera’s Prosopagnosia” and told about the strange affliction an extraordinarily brilliant young lady of my acquaintance has: she cannot recognize faces. Since then I have been writing stories: whenever anything interesting falls into my mind I quickly produce a three or four-page article, enjoying myself thoroughly in the process. At times I write quite assiduously, at times neglect the task for weeks. Depends on the residual workload for my company.
This has gone on for some years now, quietly in the background, without any announcement or publicity. But a couple of hundred people have “discovered” the blog and have, in general, reacted very positively. They keep urging me to “go public”. Maybe that will come at some stage, but in general the Friedel Chronicles will remain low-key until I decide to show them to publishers — or otherwise find an appropriate way to proceed. has served me well, but there is one thing I needed to do: create an index for friends and relatives to easily find articles. It is also something I need myself — I often discuss something with someone and want to point to an article I have written. For that you need an index. And after writing a large number of articles, here and on ChessBase, I am sometimes not sure I have not already told a story that occurs to me.
So now, without further garrulous intro text, here is the index I have put together. I intend to maintain it, keeping it up-to-date and rearranging things occasionally. Ideally you should be able to consult it to find things you are looking for. Let us see how this works out.
The Friedel Chronicles
Frederic Friedel: biographical stories
- Religion and me (1)
- Religion and me (2)
- How I experienced 9/11
- Back to my blog
- From the jungles into the Metropolis
- The Katkaris and me
- Life in the jungles
- I was on the Kashmir Princess and the Herald of Free Enterprise
- My brief indie film career
- Rom: the snake man in the 1970s
- Hunting terrorists with — linguistics!
- Tommy and the Repton (1)
- Alex and the panther
- Dipalee — the girl in the jungle
- Philosophical me (1)
- Philosophical me (2)
- Vanishing Monarchs
- The snake charmer’s deadly secret
- Start reading at one?
Alois Friedl: biographical stories
- 1. Alois: the beginning
- 2. Alois: Gateway to India
- 3. Alois: Death in the jungle
- 4. Alois: Prisoner of war
- 5. Alois: Deadly poisonous snakes
- 6. Alois: Purdah
- 7. Alois: The last tiger hunt
- 8. Ursula — a Catholic marriage
- The Magic of Logic (1)
- The Magic of Logic (2)
- The Magic of Logic (3)
- The Magic of Logic (4)
- The Magic of Logic (5)
- The Magic of Logic (6)
- The Magic of Logic (7)
- The Magic of Logic (8)
- The Magic of Logic (9)
- The Magic of Logic (10)
- The Magic of Logic (11)
- The Magic of Logic (12)
- The Magic of Logic (13)
- The Magic of Logic (14)
- The Magic of Logic (15)
- The Magic of Logic (16)
- Negotiated sharing
- Lie to your kids — it’s good for them
- Piet Hein and the Soma Cube
- Shepard scales — an acoustic illusion
- The Café Wall Illusion
- Tricking the brain
- IQ test: weighing the coins
- He had a dream — a logical puzzle
Thinking, the scientific method, scepticism
- Negotiated sharing
- How to perform extraordinary feats of mental skill
- The Positive Result Bias
- Falsification and the scientific method
- Magical Moments with Randi (1)
- Magical moments with Randi (2)
- Magical moments with Randi (3)
- Remembering Martin Gardner
- Picking a fight with astrologers
- The art of skepticism
- Debating flat earthers
- Iridium magic — how to fool believers
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s a bird, Sergey…
- Vaccination — what we must do!
- Covid-19 — what we must do, immediately!
- The ups and downs of Covid-19
- Covid-19 — what needs to be done…
- Covid-19, exactly how bad is it?
- What is a virus? Is it even alive?
- The coronavirus, what we can do
- Healing with an unknown force?
- Penicillin — how antibiotics changed the world
- Superbugs — the biggest threat to mankind
- On bikes and bones
- Gerontology: How long will you live?
- Air pressure and the human ear
- Radioactive Pa
- Surgery today — with anesthesia!
- My brief medical career
- Terrie’s Trauma
- Saving children — life in the hospital
- Timo and Regina — life in the hospital
- How I survived bubonic plague (sort of)
- Quit smoking — it’s easier than you think
- Vera’s Prosopagnosia
Magic, scams and tricks
- Horoscopes and alternatives
- Pranking Kasparov
- Amazon — the good, the bad and the ugly
- The great spoon bending scam
- The don’t-say-a-certain-word trick
- The great mind-reading trick
- Reading minds — part two
- Impress your friends with a blindfold Knight’s Tour
- Pure audacity: the fake robot scam
- Smuggling computers — to help a nation
- Static apnoea and the jacuzzi scam
- Google Tooth — the latest in wearables
- Scam school: the Higgins ploy
- Scamming programmers with Guess
Ken Thompson
- Countertenor Dennis Orellanas
- A night at the MET — in Hamburg!
- Musical encounters: the flash mob kind
- Solving the Beriozka mystery
- Machines who play (and compose) music
- Beethoven’s greatest gift to mankind (1)
- Beethoven’s greatest gift to mankind (2)
- Perfect pitch
- My three most powerful musical experiences
Language, poetry
- Uptalk: it’s all about intonation?
- What’s in a name?
- Throw the cow over the fence some hay
- Linguistic understanding in children
- Verse and meter — and the raven
- Rhyming, meter and limericks
- English: so many words…
- The awful German language (1)
- The awful German language (2)
- Speech Act Theory — just say yes!
- And the Literature Nobel prize goes to…
- What the Romans did not do for us
Physics, Astronomy, astrophysics, geography
- Is global warming saving mankind?
- Yad Al Jausa — and other bad-ass stars
- If we find life on Mars — we are doomed!
- What space aliens really look like
- The eclipse that changed the world
- A total eclipse in Wellheim
- 2006: Total Eclipse in Antalya
- Rain forests — lungs of the Earth?
- Are the “lungs of the earth” burning?
- Do we need biodegradable plastics?
- The highest mountain
- ’Tis bitter cold–but how far can it go?
- Moon landing — no, it wasn’t faked
- Piazzi and the missing planet
- Don’t forget the extra second!
- The true dimensions of Space
- Populate the planets? Really?
- Do we live in a simulation?
- Quantum physics — is it real?
- Disasters: asteroids, tsunamis and Yellowstone
- Cray-1 — the eight million dollar super-computer
- Comparing trains in Germany and Japan
- The A380 — but will it fly?
Geography, travel
- A Journey to Elista — (1)
- A Journey to Elista — (2)
- Journey to the East (1)
- Journey to the East (2)
- Journey to the East (3)
- Journey to the East (4)
- Iceland is — exciting! (1)
- Iceland is — exciting! (2)
- Iceland is — exciting! (3)
- Tracking lightning in real time
Biology, animals
- A wonderful summer with blackbirds
- Lessons on evolution
- Nature’s unspeakable cruelty (2)
- Nature’s unspeakable cruelty
- How evolution works
- On Evolution and Acorns
- The missing monarchs of Mexico
- Monarchs in Mexico — millions of them!
- How to turn a fox into a dog
- Snakes in the woods
- Ratting with Brutus
- Prime number cicadas — really!
- Boidies — bringing up song thrush chicks
- Whales — love ’em or eat ’em
- How hideous can it get?
- On the eighth day God created mosquitoes
- Clever crows
- Rats, crows and me
Chess, artificial intelligence
- My wonderful AI predictions
- A pants-on-fire AI lie detector?
- Faces, faces
- The adventure of chess programming (1)
- The adventure of chess programming (2)
- The adventure of chess programming (3)
- Deep sea exploration — leave it to robots!
- Alaa in Dresden
- Antalya and Gaza
- Don’t plant trees!
- Money: how much of it is around?
- 1983: East Germans in Budapest
- The fall of the Berlin Wall
- SheToo — Protection from Predators
- Ivan and the cotton blouse
- Dealing with drugs — what must be done
- How Liberal Mike got Donald elected
- Ken Rogoff and the Curse of Cash
- The world’s poorest billionaires
- The hilariously prophetic Onion
- Lethal and non-lethal police confrontations
- It must be done: DRM for military weapons
- OMG — I own a gun!
- Dangerous encounters — security and me
- Sticky wicket — my brief cricket career
- My brief boxing career
- Fixing football — how to make it interesting
- Swimming — now the girls are better
- Baseball — a faulty game
- Muhammed Ali — indeed the greatest
- Ecopath: a worthwhile green project
- Two men who saved the world
- The community blog
- Gravity trails — just an idea
- How I did not become a billionaire
- Weekend horror
- Why do cows…
- Anna in the West
- Annus horribilis — was 2016 all that bad?
- The hero of Berlin: Lukasz Robert Urban
- Stepan — how it all started
- Money problems without decimals
- Bad Predictions
- David vs. Goliath — how terribly unfair!
- The myth of the peaceful savage
- How to find a plane — for $75
- Godzilla — Men in Suits